Is the Universe trying to tell me something? - Tuesday January 10, 2017

I’ve been dealing with flare-ups of chronic back pain for over 2 years now and have been to the doctor, chiropractors, physio and massage therapists and they all have been somewhat helpful but it seems I cannot get to the root of the problem and solve it! My last efforts have been with a physiotherapist/Pilates instructor and I will stick with the core strengthening exercises she is giving me. A couple of them instantly take the pressure off my lower back. We will see after some time.
The other approach I’m taking seems to be serendipitously falling into place – curious. I picked up the book “Aging Backwards” by Miranda Esmonde-White at Jess and Kelsey’s house and skimmed a bit. Jess told me to take a look at it, Kelsey had suggested I might find it useful. Then a couple days later George told me to watch a show he had spontaneously taped specifically for me about chronic pain. I watched and realized it was based on the same author’s work. And another interesting thing – I had already signed up for a class the week before called “Essentrics” which is what the author calls her program of gentle stretching and movement. Is the Universe trying to tell me something? “get thee to a class” and so I went today and then to Costco to buy her latest book which happens to be on sale there called “Forever Painless”. She is a Canadian and has been developing these programs and philosophy and writing books since the late 90s. She was a former ballerina with the Canadian National Ballet Company. Well, the class felt good and didn’t stress my back in an uncomfortable way – I’ll sure give this a try.

Wow, that is a sign! Loud and clear! I’ve been doing the stretching routines almost daily for a couple weeks and I can feel it helping quite a bit. I’m more limber and my joints seem to move more freely. And it’s also relaxing. :)
Good luck!

— Kelsey · Jan 12, 10:46 AM · #

this is a good one, i have it and its very useful

g club

goldenslot · Apr 25, 08:55 PM · #

leave a comment.....please

Wow, that is a sign! Loud and clear! I’ve been doing the stretching routines almost daily for a couple weeks and I can feel it helping quite a bit. I’m more limber and my joints seem to move more freely. And it’s also relaxing. :)
Good luck!

— Kelsey · Jan 12, 10:46 AM · #

this is a good one, i have it and its very useful

g club

goldenslot · Apr 25, 08:55 PM · #

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